Converting to Gas Heat

What You Should Know About Converting From Oil to Gas Heat in New England

Should I Convert to Gas Heat?

Heating a home with oil is, by far, the most expensive way to heat a home, which is why more homes throughout the country are converting to gas heat. In fact, most new homes are built to handle forms of heating other than oil, such as electricity, propane, or, of course, natural gas.

But many historical and aging homes scattered across New England, as breathtaking as they are, still rely on oil heat. Homeowners with oil heat often spend in excess of $2,000 per year on heat, compared with the $700 or so spent by homeowners who use natural gas.

If you’re replacing your old oil heating equipment, you may want to compare gas vs. oil heat and calculate your savings if switching to cheaper, cleaner gas heating.

Benefits of Oil to Gas Conversions

Using gas to heat your home will save you money in the long run and it is very affordable to convert from oil or electricity to gas. To help residents convert, Massachusetts offers a Mass SaveTM energy savings program that provides 0% financing for Massachusetts homes. The government also offers:

Switching to gas heating is a good idea regardless of the money you can save. Gas heating systems are smaller, quieter, more energy efficient, and better for the environment than oil systems or those that use electricity.

What Will the Equipment Cost?

As with any new system, it can be an investment. The cost will vary depending on the size of the heating area and a number of zones. High-efficiency systems (90%+) can be more expensive up front than a less efficient system but will save you money, in the long run, thanks to their fuel management.

You might also be eligible for a tax refund of up to $300 if you purchase an energy-efficient furnace.

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